Best practices for farmers - property planning


Property planning or farm design is the key to developing a long term sustainable business that can minimise the negative impacts of variable seasons and maximise the benefits. A plan will enable you to better prepare for the future and record management changes to existing infrastructure, paddock design, layout and practices. An example may be to change from a conventional farming system to zero-till, strip farming, biological, organic or conservation cropping system. It may even include setting up a grazing enterprise or converting to controlled traffic farming, where necessary.

In the future, every business will need an up to date property plan to enable the development of new strategies. The farm plan has number of basic components that have not altered in many years, except for the availability of newer technologies within rural industries. It is imperative that the plan have an accurate high quality image (photograph) that can be used for planning. This can be either a hard copy or a computerised image and it can be used to record existing development and proposed changes to infrastructure and development. The planning process will also require accurate measurement of resources using GPS technology.


Computerised Mapping

The most accurate map/ plan will always be a computerised farm plan. The computerised farm plan can be as accurate as the image (maybe as accurate as 2 cm accuracy). To construct a computerised farm plan, you will need:

The benefits of compiling a computerised plan are:

Example of Mapping


The resources to be mapped

Purpose of the Plan

Simplicity or Complexity

The property plan can be as simple or as complex as you would like it to be. The most useful plan is a computerised plan. If you wish to develop a property plan, give the office a call. GBP Qld are agents for AGDATA's Phoenix Map. We can assist you to set up the software, compile a map and gather required information. See more.

Work out what you want to use the plan for? What is the main reason for the plan?


For more information and to organise an onfarm day, call 0438 395 255 or email

We are the property planning specialists.


Based in Rockhampton, we're proud to service Queensland and New South Wales